This ePaper briefly sketches the outlines of the Horizon 2020 programme so far and proposes solutions and opportunities for both Horizon 2020 and its potential successors.
On Nov the 8th, Eng. Andrea Rausa from CiaoTech/PNO Group will be present at GLOBAL WATER EXPO, the special workshop on water innovation which will be held in the framework of the ECOMONDO fair in Rimini (7-10 November 2017).
During the Meet In Italy for Life Sciences 2017 (MIT4LS2017), UTILE project gave a sneak preview of The EU-Health Innovation Marketplace which is being developed in the framework of its activities.
The first newsletter regarding EU projects dealing with Membrane Reactors and including a book of abstracts of the latest European workshops on membrane reactors is available.
The second newsletter of DEMETER project, funded in the frame of Horizon 2020 Public-Private Partnership Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (topic BBI.D7-2015) has just been released.
On year after the launch of the project, the third DEMETER progress meeting took place in Essen, Germany the 21st-22nd of September 2017, hosted by the partner MIAVIT GmbH.
WssTP and DESSIN invite European and international projects that are at an advanced stage to present their key findings and success stories in a joint workshop during the final DESSIN event about implementation and benefits of Ecosystem Services (ESS) concepts, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and Hybrid Grey-Green Infrastructure (HGGI)I in the water sector.