A successful project largely depends on good communication. Within a Horizon 2020 project, a communication and dissemination plan is a mandatory part. By establishing KPIs, project partners are able to measure its actual impact and improve the plan in the meantime
PNO Consultants, as member of the consortium of the H2020 project VALUEMAG, will participate and have a booth to the 9th European Algae Summit, the 10th and 11th April in Lisbon.
Have a look at the 4th MULTI2HYCAT Newsletter to get a brief update of our progress during the last project period.
A4BLUE project and the ACE Factories Cluster members are glad to invite you to the Human-Centred Factories Event that will take place on the 23
rd of May in Brussels.
The 2019 call is going to open this week and the deadline for the concept not is on the 19th June 2019 (tbc).
The fourth issue of the DEMETER newsletter describes the dissemination workshops the project organized in order to present results, updates and project progresses. With the aim of boosting the project impacts and visibility, two dissemination workshops were organized in November 2018. The first one was held in the framework of Ecomondo, the leading fair of the green and circular economy (Rimini, Italy) by CiaoTech, the second took place in Leipzig (Germany) and it was organized by DBFZ. DEMETER provided a comprehensive overview on the achievements of the project to interested stakeholders and users coming from academia, industry and public levels. Find out more info about the dissemination workshops here.
The fifth edition of the Green Chemistry & White Biotechnology – (Bio-)Polymers and Ecocircularity: From Challenges to Opportunities conference will take place in Gosselies (Belgium) on May 8th and 9th, 2019.
The Indus3Es demo system has been manufactured and installed in TÜPRAŞ, one of the most important petrochemical refineries in Turkey.
PNO Consultants supported the 2 leading clusters of the bio-economy: IAR and Qualitropic during the certification process.
VALUEMAG will present a case study during a workshop at Bari, the 19th of March 2019. The thematic of this workshop is: “The bioeconomy as an opportunity for regional development based on local resources in Puglia”
GreenCharge is a Horizon 2020 research and innovation project, which started in September 2018.
Interested in carbon capture technologies, decarbonised fuels and membrane research? PNO, under the EU funded project NanoMEMC2, is organizing the “CO2 selective membranes for carbon capture and decarbonised fuels” event to be held on the 11th of April 2019 in Brussels, Belgium.
On the 14 February 2019 (h 11:30 – booth AR3), A4BLUE project will be presented by CiaoTech and Illogic in the framework of the A&T 2019 exhibition in Turin (Italy).
The sixth congress of the
DataBio project, Data-driven Bioeconomy, was held from 29 to 30 January 2019 in Bologna.
Do you need help to bring your health project results to market?
UTILE project offers
free online courses, training materials and best practices on “bringing research to market”.
Our Briefing paper identifies and provides details on all the sub-programmes involving France.
Will you be attending this year’s World Resources Forum in Antwerp, Belgium? Don’t miss CICERONE’s workshop “Circular Europe: The future of circular economy programming”.
The Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) Annual Work Plan and Budget 2019 has been published!
It’s been a week since the no-deal Brexit and still there are so many questions on how to proceed with the EU-funded projects involving British partners.
The fourth issue of the DANTE newsletter focuses on the DANTE participation at two major international events: the training workshop held in Lisbon in November 2018 and the Security Research Event (SRE18), which took place in Brussels in December 2018.
Read the complete newsletter