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Thursday, July 2, 2020

LOw COst ISOlators for seismic protection of Engineered and non-Engineered constructions in UE and Developing Countries (LO-CO-ISO project)

Seismic isolation has been worldwide recognized as a leading technology for seismic protection of buildings and may be addressed as a feasible solution to reduce global seismic risk. The idea of the LO-CO-ISO project – funded under STAR Programme 2017 by University of Naples Federico II and Compagnia di San Paolo - is to deeply change the technological process responsible for the very high cost of conventional rubber isolators.

Basically, flexible reinforcement has to replace steel plates assuming a configuration of such isolators without a mechanical connection to the supports. In addition, recycled rubber could also replace natural rubber for an even cheaper eco-friendly sustainable solution. The cost of these innovative isolators would be significantly lower than traditional ones thus permitting to be used in Developing Countries of the world.

University of Naples will contribute by further development of the subject, experimental testing and design of innovative structural systems for a large scale application.

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