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Connecting Europe Facility (CEF): Grants for more sustainable and efficient transport

Over the past decades, Europa has worked towards a strong infrastructure. It is, after all, a precondition for a competitive and cohesive economy, which also creates new employment opportunities. Most roads, rails and shipping routes are now in place. The new challenge is how all modalities can use this in a clever and sustainable manner. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) offers very interesting grant opportunities for such projects.

Objectives of the CEF Transport

The objective of the new CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) European grant programme reads as follows: “The objective [of CEF] is to ensure sustainable and efficient transport in the long run, optimising the integration and interconnection of transport modes and enhance the interoperability and safety and security of transport services”.

Which parties will find CEF interesting?

Various parties contribute towards the objectives cited above.

You build and develop infrastructure

Infrastructure is never ‘finished’. The existing network can always be extended and made more sophisticated and clever. Topics that fit into the CEF programme include:
infrastructure for using alternative fuels;

  • improving rail, water, aviation and road infrastructure;
  • improving port and container connections with the surrounding areas;
  • investing in multimodal facilities, such as transport terminals or trans-shipment ports;

You can call on a CEF grant budget for such projects.

You develop and implement transport innovations

Reducing noise pollution by rail transport. Sustainable transport, such as LNG, and clean ships, innovative transport technologies to reduce noise, improving the safety systems for all forms of transport. Countless parties in Europe are active in the implementation of similar innovations, which is precisely what the Connecting Europe Facility is looking for – and making grants available for.

Only one thing counts for a good CEF-grant result: hands-on experience!

If you want to increase your grant chances, you are looking for a party with CEF/TEN-T grant experience in Europe. And, sooner or later, you will find PNO! That sounds arrogant, we know. But our experience stretches back to 2003: in 2011, for instance, we assisted in more than half of all the successful Dutch grant applications. And in 2011, 2012 and 2013, the success rate of the applications we submitted was 100%! – in other words, experience and success you can benefit from. And that starts with getting to know us. Contact one of Transport & Infrastructure specialists