NANOMEMC2 partners NTNU and UNIBO just published a paper on the fabrication and characterization of Nafion/PEGDME hybrid membranes.
In this report, you will find a rich portfolio of technology that the CCP teams have been working on including advanced materials and new chemistry in combination with additive manufacturing, process intensification and digital monitoring technologies.
The event was also attended by seven partners from the BBI JU project BiOPEN, who used the summit and the unique set of stakeholders active in the bio-based industry to validate one out of five perspective studies conducted in the framework of the project.
The bioeconomy is booming, but it will also face many challenges. We have gathered the views of leading bio players in our free epaper.
Download the epaper.
The second review meeting of the REE4EU project took place last June in Kristiansand (Norway) and it was hosted by ELKEM, one of the project partners.
Within this 3rd newsletter, the consortium shows you the pilot scale facilities they are using to scale up the interesting lab results.
Last 27th June, A4BLUE project and AceFactories Cluster were presented at EFFRA Factories of the Future Community Day in Brussels by Factory2Fit EU.
In this video, Youssef Sabbah (EUN) illustrates the scope and objectives of UTILE and the opportunities available for innovators and business developers through the marketplace under developing.
UTILE project gathered in Sofia promising health and life science projects funded under FP7 and Horizon 2020 to valorise their research results.
On the 15th June 2018, the first Business and Innovation workshop in the frame of the UTILE project will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria.
PNO's project INSPIRE has just released its sixth newsletter. This newsletter gives you the possibility to download two important reports containing interesting results that have just been released.
In its second newsletter, the Madforwater project published a presentation of the results achieved in the first two years in the lab-scale development of technologies for wastewater treatment and irrigation with treated wastewater.
The third newsletter of the SURVANT project has been published on the project website.
The third DEMETER newsletter describes the main results and progresses DEMETER achieved in the first eighteen months of activities
To find out more about our progresses and results have a look at the project newsletter.
CHESTER project focuses on maximising the flexibility of smart technologies allowing renewable energy management, storage and dispatchable supply while combining power with the heating sector.
We cordially invite you to participate in the Summer School MULTI2HYCAT – 5th and 6th July 2018 in Valencia (Spain), which is organized in the framework of the MULTI2HYCAT project.
The A4BLUE solution is being instantiated and validated in real industrial scenarios (AIRBUS) and in lab scenarios (IK4-TEKNIKER and RWTH Aachen): watch the videos showing the impressive results obtained!
In this article, the first in a series, we share our project experiences to help you operate within an (international) multi-partner project. You can also download our H2020 checklist!