The 6th edition of the WOIC, the conference organized by the Haas School of Business of the University of California, Berkeley, will take place on December 12-13, 2019 in Rome, Italy.
The final dissemination workshop of the DEMETER project will be organized in the frame of the Biogas Convention Trade and Fair, which will be held in Nurnberg, on December 10th.
Next Net project is glad to invite you to its final event in Brussels, on December 17th. During the final event, project outcomes will be presented.
BIOPEN, DEMETER, DESTINY, KaRMA2020, Indus3Es, MULTI2HYCAT, Mad4Water, OPERANDUM and HyCool projects will participate in ECOMONDO 2019, the leading Euro-Mediterranean area green and circular economy expo, that will take place in Rimini (Italy) from 5th to 8th November.
ECOMONDO, the benchmark event in Europe for technological and industrial innovation, brings together all sectors of the circular economy on a single platform: from the recovery of materials and energy to sustainable development. In this unique framework, CiaoTech’s projects will present their latest progresses and results.
In particular, KaRMA2020 project will organize its innovative workshop From feather waste to market opportunities for innovative bio-based plastics, fertilisers, flame retardants and technical coatings, taking place on November 5th in the Rovere Room (1st floor C6 Pav, at 2:30 PM). On the same day, more information about KaRMA2020 project will be available during the poster presentation The management of industrial waste: critical and potential of italian system by a comparison with other European countries, held in the afternoon in the Ravezzi 2 South Hall. The project will also present its progresses during the oral session Innovative solutions of waste prevention and management: operational and assessment tools, which will take place on November 6th in the Tiglio Room A6 Pav, in the morning.
The Indus3Es project will exhibit its progresses during the poster presentation Circular economy: the 21st-century economic paradigm to redefine growth and development, which will take place on 6th November in the Ravezzi 2 South Hall, in the noon.
In parallel, in the framework of the Key Energy EXPO, HyCool project will also organize a workshop in the morning, on November 6th.
BIOPEN, DEMETER, DESTINY, MULTI2HYCAT, MAD4WATER projects, as well as KaRMA2020, OPERANDUM, Indus3Es and Hycool, will be presented also at the CiaoTech booth, where projects related dissemination materials such as brochures, newsletters and technical factsheets will be displayed.
Our consultants will be glad to welcome you in Pad. D3, stand 112: join us there!