In October took place the third Consortium meeting of the Indus3Es project.
The 4th Newsletter of the LASIE project (Eu co-funded project) has been published.
The second newsletter of the Indus3Es Project was released last September and
focuses on the first year project results.
CATER project is conducting an online expert consultation survey to collect expertise and valuable viewpoints from the R&I experts and key aviation stakeholders.
On September, 20, the kick-off meeting of the DEMETER project took place at the Genencor/DUPONT premises in Leiden (Netherlands).
’Mobility as a Service (MaaS)’ seems to be the outcome. A revolution is possible – with corresponding opportunities.
PNO publishes stakeholder analysis as coordinator of NEW_InnoNet Project.
PNO has launched a unique website with answers to important funding questions around Brexit.
SusChem is organizing its annual “SusChem Brokerage event” on the 13 September, 2016 in Seville (Spain).
PNO supported the development of the new WssTP Water Vision 2030.
On 20-22 June, the partners of the REE4EU project, met in Trondheim (Norway) for discussions on the engineering strategies and design of the HTE reactors.
On 8 and 9 June 2016, PNO hosted the NEW_InnoNet stakeholder conference in Brussels.
The REE4EU project participates in the European conference “Industrial Technologies 2016 – Creating a Smart Europe” (Amsterdam, June 22-24).
On June 22nd, the new WssTP Water Vision 2030 will be presented to the EU Commissioner for Research, Science, and Innovation, Carlos Moedas. PNO Innovation supported the development of this vision, which has also been endorsed by the EIP Water and most other European water umbrella organisations, including EurEau, EWP, and EWA, Euraqua, and NetwercH2O.
Ciaotech/PNO Group is pleased to invite you to the COBRA Project Mid-term Conference
The Indus3Es project participates in the European conference “Industrial Technologies 2016 – Creating a Smart Europe” which will take place in Amsterdam, June 22-24.
CLIPS Project (CLoud Innovation in Public Services) invites you to attend the final event in Florence on June, 1 2016.
On 19-20 April, all the partners involved in the REE4EU project met in Halmstad (Sweeden), for the first six months meeting.
Innovation, market orientation and internationalisation are success factors for SMEs with growth ambitions. The Eurostars subsidy programme was created specifically to help SMEs with R&D activities in order to get innovation off the ground at a European level.
Indus3Es project, in the frame of Horizon 2020 TOPIC EE-18-2015, is now in the six month of implementation. The consortium partners will met all together at TU Berlin facilities to discuss on project progresses and to plan next steps.