SmartAgriHubs, a European initiative funded by the EU under the Horizon 2020 Programme for the digitalization of the agricultura and agrifood sector, has launched an Open Call aimed to SMEs and Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs). This specific opportunity is focused on proposals bringing solutions to the challenges of the sector in the current COVID-19 crisis, such as:
- Mobilising agricultural workforce for harvesting
- Educating individuals from other sectors for being able to support agri-food businesses in the crisis
- Regional matching of offer and demand for fresh produce in decentralised settings
- Making surplus food available, especially to the poor and people in need
- Donating food
- Managing food transport along national and international supply chains to avoid food waste
- Re-routing of transports to avoid food waste
- Identifying anormal situations in food supply/ transport as baseline to enable early reactions
- Forecasting of regional food supplies, deviations and/or shortages
- Supporting policy information through data analysis to mitigate future market interruptions in the food supply chain
- Strategies to apply personal distancing along the supply chain from farm to fork
- Ensuring fresh food safety along the supply chain
- Optimising food storage
- Optimising shelf-life of food
- Facilitate access to data and services for an easier digital innovation in the agri-food sectors
If you are interested in getting more information about this opportunity, please check the submission requirements and deadlines in: https://www.smartagrihubs.eu/portal/open-call.
Global crisis, such as the actual COVID-19 outbreak, require a fast response of small contributors that together can make a great impact. From SmartAgriHubs we want to give support to innovative ideas, so please share your proposal with us.