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Friday, November 24, 2017

Commission reserves a billion euro for circular economy

Last week in Brussels, the European Commission clarified the recently published Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020 for ‘Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials’. Circular economy is one of the highest priorities within this Work Programme. Our expert Tjerk Wardenaar was on location to gather the latest information for you.

Work programme with two calls for proposals

The Work Programme ‘Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials’ for 2018- 2020 is aimed at the transition to a greener, more resource-efficient and climate resilient economy, in harmony with the natural environment. It supports the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, as well at the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement. That is why the Work Programme has two ‘calls for proposals’:
  • ‘Building a low carbon, climate resilient future: climate action in support of the Paris Agreement’ and
  • ‘Greening the economy in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
With a budget of nearly a billion euro, circular economy is one of the most important priorities within this Work Programme. Moreover the budget is made up largely by circular economy topics that are incorporated in other Work Programmes, like NMBP, Food Security and Energy.

What is circular economy about?

Circular economy stands for maximising the reuse of products and resources, and minimising depreciation. The actions within the Work Programme are therefore aimed at improving the efficiency and effectivity of resource use (including water), substantially decreasing the production of residual waste and in that way also decreasing adverse environmental and climate effects. Projects should contribute to the circular economy policy by integrating production, consumption, waste management and resources. If you are involved in innovation in circular economy, the above mentioned call (‘Greening the economy in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals’) will be very interesting for you. It focuses, among other things, on connecting economic and environmental benefits within circular economy.
For the current calls, the European Commission is inviting parties to submit project proposals within the following themes:
  • Circularity and materials
  • Water
  • Innovative recycling technologies.
How do I submit a successful application?

According to Tjerk, it is vital to start a projectin time. “First, make sure there is a perfect match between your project and the call for proposals. The better this match is, the bigger your chances of success. Considering the deadlines for circular economy calls are at the end of February 2018, it is important to form a well-balanced consortium as soon as possible. When you do, make sure that parties and people involved are active in the right role, and regularly organise meetings to make clear, transparent arrangements. Because most topics have the form oftwo-stage proposals, it is important to think about a final application in an early stage. Proper communication along the entire route is essential.”

Want to know more?

Do you want to know more about circular economy and about how PNO can support you in drafting and submitting an application? Please contact our at

Do you want to know more about H2020 or download this article?  Visit: 
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