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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

CiaoTech/PNO presented MADFORWATER project at ECOMONDO – Global Water Expo session

On Nov 8, Eng. Andrea Rausa of CiaoTech/PNO joined the ECOMONDO Conference – Global Water Expo session giving the speach “Stakeholders and cost-benefit analyses as valid tools for decision-making in water innovation” within the session “Desalination and alternative water resources, water reuse and multiple use to reduce the water footprint at city or basin scale” 

The session, chaired by A. Rubini (WSSTP), F. Fatone (Polytechnic University of Marche) and T. Bernabè (Romagna Acque), witnessed the participation of more than 60 international stakeholders and experts in water innovation.

The speech of Mr. Rausa included practical examples of stakeholders analysis and Cost-Benefit Analysis developed by PNO in the context of the MADFORWATER project.

Full program of the session:

For more information about MADFORWATER, please visit the project webiste.

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