On Monday 18th September, the coordinator, Ana Maria Martinez (SINTEF), welcomed all the REE4EU consortium to the M24 Progress Meeting which coincided with midterm. Especially the project officer from the EU Commission, Dr. Istvan Ritz was welcomed.
During the meeting, the work package leaders presented the updates on the activities realized so far. Dr Ritz informed the consortium that he is satisfied with the progress of the project so far.
The meeting was very well organized and hosted by CEFIC.
CEFIC is supporting dissemination activities through Europe and beyond within the relevant Process and Chemical industries with particular attention to the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials and SPIRE frameworks. In fact, the date of the project meeting has been chosen also in conjunction with the SPIRE Process Industry Conference, where the REE4EU project was presented by the project coordinator. Have a look at the presentation given!
For more information on the project, please visit REE4EU website at http://www.ree4eu.eu/.