PNO organised the 3rd project meeting and the 1st exploitation workshop of the NanoMEMC2 project in Rome– Italy, on the 26th -27th of October 2017
The first NANOMEMC2 exploitation workshop was organised on the 26th of October 2017 in Rome, Italy, taking advantages from the Support Services for Exploitation of Research Results (SSERR) offered by the European commission (EC). The consultant Dr. A. Di Anselmo assigned by the European Commission explained the EC rules of exploitations, expectations, requirements, etc. Project partners PNO and FUJIFILM (responsible for exploitation) guided the following discussion among partners on the definition of the preliminary list of the Key Exploitable Results and on the main points of the project’s exploitation strategy: selection of applications for market analysis, ownership of results, business potential, value proposition, etc.
After the workshop, the 3rd project meeting took place, providing a helicopter overview of the activities of the first year of the project and an opportunity for all partners to align and take crucial decisions for the future activities of the project. The next meeting will be held in Sheffield in March 2018 and members from the advisory board will be invited for providing precious feedbacks and suggestions on the project activities.
To learn more about NANOMEMC2, please visit the project webiste.