CiaoTech Team participated at the the 21st edition of ECOMONDO, the International trade fair on material & energy recovery and sustainable development which tool place in Rimini, Italy, the 7th-10th of November.
On the 8th, taking part at the special session “Resources from waste: innovative solutions and environmental outcomes towards the implementation of a Circular Economy” dedicated to the topics concerning waste materials management, Anna Franciosini described the preliminary data of the Stakeholder and Market Analysis that the CiaoTech team, through advanced strategies and innovative tools, is collecting for a successful exploitation of the KaRMA2020 results!
Funded by EU under the topic SPIRE-03-2016: Industrial technologies for the valorisation of European bio-resources into high added value process streams, KaRMA2020 project will realise the industrial manufacture of bio-based materials such as fertilizers, packaging, composites and coatings, starting from feather waste derived from poultry industry. Learn more about KaRMA2020 project on: http://www.karma2020.eu/
On the 9th, During the seminar “XIX National Conference on Composting and Anaerobic Digestion”, Patrizia Circelli presented to a wide audience of industrial stakeholders expert in the field of biogas, the European project DEMETER - Demonstrating more efficient enzyme production to increase biogas yields with a specific focus on the first results that Ciaotech obtained, using advanced strategies and tools, for the Stakeholder and Market Analysis. Thanks to its innovative approaches and expertise, Ciaotech is significantly contributing to the best DEMETER project outcomes!
Funded in the frame of Horizon 2020 Public-Private Partnership Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (topic BBI.D7-2015 - Overcoming low product yields from fermentation processes), DEMETER project will demonstrate an increase of biogas production through the addition of new enzymes developed by Genencor International BV, the coordinator of the project. For further details, visit the website http://www.demeter-eu-project.eu/