UTILE has developed the EU-Health innovation Marketplace, an online tool to valorise results of the European health projects funded under the European Research and Innovation Programmes FP7 and Horizon 2020. The Marketplace displays the most promising health research results, offers business developers and innovators opportunities for new business and partnership development.
The most promising projects are also benefiting from free training services to improve commercialization potential of relevant projects. These services consist in workshop and training in several disciplines such as IPR management, commercialisation routes, access to finance and pitching, as well as the possibility to meet investors and international experts to present their projects and results.
In October 2018, we organized our 2nd Innovation and Business workshop and Brokerage Event in Bologna (Italy) where 9 EU-funded projects had the chance to receive free support and to pitch in front of international investors and industry representatives with the aim to commercialise their research results. “It was an useful event to join because UTILE provided us with the opportunity to receive free training, pitch and get feedback on our technologies from international investors and experts.”, Wian de Jongh said, representing the AdaptVac Project, funded under the FP7 Programme and aiming at the development of highly competitive vaccines and therapeutics against infectious diseases, cancer, and immunological disorders.
Are you an innovator and/or do you have an FP7 Health or Horizon 2020 SC1 project with potentially exploitable results? Watch the video and contact us to discover what we can do for you!
As a Business Developer and Investor, you can have access to this filtered list of projects and publish your own challenges to attract those relevant for you. Furthermore, you can be involved in our training, workshops, brokerage and networking events as the one shown in the hereafter video.
Mark Wilson, Consultant in the Biotech Industry, helped reviewing the presentations and stated “I was very impressed by some of them. The most advanced of those projects are clearly of interest for potential pharma partners because they have a clear licensing potential”. It was a very enjoyable and positive professional experience and I commend the people who are developing those initiatives”, he commented. Contact us: don’t miss the chance to hear about the selected projects!
UTILE Marketplace and community are waiting for you: join us at https://www.health-breakthrough.eu/ !