As part of the strategic support the PNO R&D Advisory Team offers to its clients through Innovation and Intelligence reports, we are proud to announce the renewed vision paper we developed for Water Europe: Water Europe – The Value of Water: Towards A Water-Smart Society.
Officially launched and presented to various ministers during the UN 2023 Water Conference, the document outlines what the Water-Smart Society of the future should look like, based on emerging technologies and societal trends, which are expected to produce a paradigm shift in how we manage the planet’s finite resources and the impact of climate change. The document highlights the higher-level innovations that will play a key role in realizing this vision centered on the ‘Value of Water’. It aims to inspire and indicate the course of action for policymakers, researchers, technology developers, water service providers and water management authorities, as well as regions, cities, and citizens.
The R&D Advisory team at Ciaotech – PNO Group developed the new model for a “Water Smart Society” embedded in the new Water Europe Vision as well as the Global Expert Group for Circular Water’s Blueprint recently presented to the Dutch King Willem Alexander.
Want to learn more?
PNO’s R&D Advisory Team is regularly producing and publishing relevant Innovation Reports. Check out our various publications and download the full Water Europe Vision Paper at this link and contact us at infociaotech@ciaotech.com for more details.