A thorough market analysis is the cornerstone of success for innovative ideas. But what information is necessary to launch a product that brings tangible benefits to citizens and patients?
In the WARIFA project, CiaoTech— leading European company in innovation management and responsible for Exploitation & Dissemination activities of the project—conducted a Technology Intelligence study to support the market introduction of a new, clinically validated tool and app designed to combat non-communicable diseases that affect many people on average: diabetes, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, skin cancer, and poor lifestyle choices.
CiaoTech's work identified key trends and opportunities in the European market for personalized prevention, locating over 200 associations of doctors and patients, hospitals, and distributors of personal wellness devices. This result will facilitate the app’s dissemination.
Ensure your innovation reaches its customers: rely on CiaoTech’s expertise to develop a strategy tailored to your company's needs by writing to infociaotech@ciaotech.com.