The VIPERLAB First public event, organised by PNO Innovation Belgium, is part of the VIPERLAB EU-funded project and is meant to shed light on several topics related to the status of achievements in the perovskite PV field:
- present the status of community and infrastructures available in Europe to develop them further;
- the latest achievements in their performance;
- their market perspectives; and
- the efforts being exerted to develop a strategic Research and Innovation agenda to provide guidance to different stakeholders to accelerate their development and market introduction.
Additionally a panel discussion will be organised with key stakeholders from industry and policy representatives to discuss the main barriers that need to be removed to facilitate the market deployment on massive scale of perovskite based PV.
The VIPERLAB Public event will be hold in a hybrid format. The physical venue is located in VBO 4 Rue Ravenstein 1000 Bruxelles Belgium where the ETIP-PV annual conference will take place from 10 to 11 May 2023.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/viperlab-1st-public-event-hybrid-tickets-566166618597?keep_tld=1
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/viperlab-1st-public-event-hybrid-tickets-566166618597?keep_tld=1