The UTILE 2nd newsletter has just been published!
The newsletter includes the description of the activities carried out during the first year of project life. First of all, you can find details on the results of the FP7 and H2020 project evaluation that UTILE is carrying out with the goal to identify the research results with the highest potential for translation and commercial exploitation.
Secondly, the project announces that the European Commission is going to send out e questionnaire to all evaluated projects to collect further useful elements to be analysed in the second evaluation round. At the end of the second round, the selected projects will be promoted on the UTILE marketplace and will be actively supported in valorising their results.
Finally, an overview about the UTILE’s strategy development is provided, as well as the list of the main events attended.
Read the 2nd newsletter and visit the project webiste to learn more on the opportunities offered by the marketplace.