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Monday, March 6, 2023

The PHOENIX project goes on

PHOENIX project “Ferroelectric PHOtonics ENablIng novel functionalities and enhanced performance of neXt generation PICs” is funded by the EU Horizon Europe programme. It gathers a full panel of industrial, research and technology organizations from EU member states and Associated Countries, coordinated by KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN (Belgium), such as SMEs Lumiphase (Switzerland) and Optalysys (UK), IBM (Switzerland and Israel), the Nanophotonics Technology Center – Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), and PNO Innovation (Spain), in charge of the WP5, the Dissemination and Communication tasks in collaboration Innovation Engineering. The PHOENIX project started the 1st September 2022 and will run for 3 years until the 31 August 2025.

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