On 4th July 2024, the European Commission published the new calls for proposals under the Digital Europe programme. The topics launched are the following:
- Topic DIGITAL-2024-BESTUSE-07-MULTICOUNTRY - deadline: 21/11/2024;
- Topic DIGITAL-ECCC-2024-DEPLOY-CYBER-07 - deadline: 21/01/2025;
- Topic DIGITAL-2024-BESTUSE-TECH-07 - deadline: 21/11/2024
- Topic DIGITAL-2024-ADVANCED-DIGITAL-07-KEYCAPACITY- deadline: 21/11/2024
- Topic DIGITAL-2024-CLOUD-DATA-AI-07-DIGITALTWIN - deadline: 21/11/2024
On 16 July 2024, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., the HaDEA Agency will hold an online webinar on the call DIGITAL-2024-BESTUSE-TECH-07-EDMO. The event will include tips for submitting a successful proposal through the Funding and Tenders Portal. Contact us for more info at infociaotech@ciaotech.com