The DEMETER project was presented in The Public-Private Partnership BBI JU and its role in the implementation of the Italian Bio-Based Industry event, which was host by Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca (MUR) and organized in collaboration with Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea (APRE).
The event had the scope to reviewed the innovation developed in Italy through the BBI JU-funded projects in the period 2014-20 and to promoted it towards the regional and national institutions involved in the drafting of post-COVID-19 recovery plans and towards the Italian private and public actors active in the sector who have not yet explored the opportunities offered by BBI JU.
DEMETER was highlighted as a successful story and CiaoTech, leader of the Dissemination and Communication actions, displayed the main results achieved in the framework of the activities performed during the lifetime of the project through a video-presentation.