The Horizon 2020 GREENPEG project is developing exploration toolsets to discover hidden pegmatites more efficiently. The focus lies on the exploration of lithium- and high-purity-quartz-bearing pegmatites enriched in raw materials that are critical to the clean energy transition. GREENPEG’s approach involves three different investigation scales: (1) province scale; (2) district scale; and (3) prospect scale. For the different exploration scales, the project will develop three new instrumental techniques and devices, namely a helicopter complementary nose stinger magnetometer, a piezoelectric sensor and a drone-borne hyperspectral imaging system. Moreover, two new datasets for prospect and district exploration will be developed and integrated in the toolsets.
PNO Consultants is the project's partner in charge of the business plan and exploitation of GREENPEG innovation. As part of the work, we are launching an online survey to enquire market fundamentals, trends and opportunities for the GREENPEG project.
Please help us complete the online survey at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/GREENPEGStakeholdersSurvey