A4BLUE (Adaptive Automation in Assembly For BLUE collar workers satisfaction in Evolvable context) is conducting an online survey designed to gather your opinions on what features should be included in the design of ‘assembly work systems’ in future manufacturing workplaces.
The project aims at i) the development and evaluation of a new generation of sustainable, adaptive workplaces dealing with evolving requirements of manufacturing processes, ii) the introduction of automation mechanisms that are suitable for flexible and efficient task execution in interaction with human workers, by optimizing human variability through personalized and context aware assistance capabilities as well as advanced human-machine interfaces.
To this end, A4BLUE has launched a dedicated requirements questionnaire, available at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/A4BLUEAssemblyWorkSystemsinFutureManufacturing-RequirementsSurvey. The survey is available in English, Italian, Spanish, French, and German (you can choose the language on the top-right of the webpage). It’s very simple and will take you only few minutes to complete. The deadline to submit your responses is 19/02/2018. Please notice that the data you provide will be collected and maintained with full confidentiality, since they will be coded and anonymized from the point of submission and will no longer be individually identifiable; after this point it will be analyzed and reported collectively.