The SmartCHEM summit 2018 provides information about innovations in bio-based production and solutions for creating new business from side-streams. The event takes place on the 22nd of May 2018 in the brand new Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki in Turku (Finland). The event brings together major international companies, startups and universities from Finland and Europe and offers opportunities to share knowledge and innovations in the bio-based sector. The SmartCHEM summit 2018 is organised by the Turku Business Region, the Smart Chemistry Park. The event is part of the EU Green Week an official free side event of SHIFT Business Festival 2018. The Smart Chemistry Park is a partner of the Horizon 2020/ BBI-JU project BIOPEN. Thus, the BIOPEN project together with IBC Finland arranges a mini Hackathon immediately following the SmartCHEM summit event to which all seminar attendees are welcome to discuss about challenges of bio-based production.
The SmartCHEM summit 2018 will be opened by different presentations of big and small bio-and circular economy companies. In a variety of ways the speakers will describe new business models for circular and bio-based economies and how to build up bio- and circular economy. In the afternoon, there is a mini Hackathon where different topics like “Biochemicals from wood based feedstocks” or “Bio-based solutions for surface treatment” are discussed. Each table will have a discussion leader who will collect all upcoming ideas. In the evening a get-together for SmartCHEM participants is organized at Aboa Vetus Ars Nova (Itäinen Rantakatu 4-6).
For further information about programme and registration please visit: https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/SmartCHEMsummit2018
The BiOPEN project is a CSA project funded under BBI JU and coordinated by Ciaotech, Italy. The consortium involves 9 partners from seven EU countries (Italy, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands, and Poland) and is highly specialized in the bio-based industry. It comprises five European bio-based clusters (Bioeconomy Cluster, Biobased Delta, CLIB2021, Smart Chemistry Park operated by Turku Science Park, West Pomeranian Chemical Cluster Green Chemistry), three open innovation expert companies (Ciaotech, Europe Unlimited, Innovation Engineering), and one research centre (National Technical University of Athens). The project partners will reach a large number of stakeholders and involve them actively through workshops, direct support to find collaboration partners or co-funding and online matchmaking. They will also deliver five perspective studies on new bio-based products and markets, encompassing both downstream sectors and brand owners. This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 745719. For further information on the project, please visit www.biopen-project.eu.