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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

SisAl Pilot consortium meeting in South Africa

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Last week the SisAl Pilot team had a productive consortium meeting in South Africa!
Over three days, the partners discussed the final pilot activities, reviewed their achievements, and made a plan for the last five project months. They also had the opportunity to visit three remarkable sites:
  1.  Mintek – A national mineral research organization supporting the South African minerals industry.
  2. Ferroglobe – A global leader in advanced metallurgical products essential for numerous consumer and industrial applications.
  3. Tansalloy – Africa’s leading producer of manganese ferroalloys.

The whole cosortium is looking forward to the 5 final more exciting months of this challenging project! SisAl Pilot is an innovative pilot for Silicon production with low environmental impact using secondary Aluminium and silicon raw materials: find oure more on the SisAl Pilot project website.

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