On 22nd June 2023, CiaoTech - PNO Group joined the ReNEW consortium online meeting, which proved to be a valuable platform for a comprehensive review of the current state of the art within the ReNEW project.
For the project, CiaoTech - PNO Group is in charge of task T5.3 "Exploitation and Commercialization Strategy", which aims at characterizing the main KERs using our unique methodology to assess their exploitation potential. We identify the most promising ReNEW outputs, develop an Exploitation Plan for the KERs, and conduct dissemination/exploitation workshops.
Moreover, CiaoTech - PNO Group is also leading the Gender Analysis subtask ans is currently conducting a survey that explores various aspects of gender equality in the workplace. Your valuable insights can contribute to making a positive impact. Join the survey here: https://forms.gle/XUKSr1TrZZaK83fE7
Want to know more about ReNEW?
Visit the project website!