On 5 & 6 December, 2023, the 3rd ReNEW General Assembly took place in Duisburg, Germany hosted by DST - Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems. The partners visited the impressive DST facilities including the 360 vessel simulator and 200 m-long basin for inland waterway research.
Within WP6 of the ReNEW project, Anastasiya Azarko from Ciaotech PNO conducted a Gender Equality Workshop. The workshop covered various topics, including discussions on gender equality, the European Commission guidelines for gender equality activities in Horizon projects, and deliberations on Gender Equality Plans.
Discover more about ReNEW visiting the project website!
Within WP6 of the ReNEW project, Anastasiya Azarko from Ciaotech PNO conducted a Gender Equality Workshop. The workshop covered various topics, including discussions on gender equality, the European Commission guidelines for gender equality activities in Horizon projects, and deliberations on Gender Equality Plans.
Discover more about ReNEW visiting the project website!