The REE4EU project is now in its third year of development, many steps have been taken and every detail is now available in the sixth newsletter just published.
The coordinator, SINTEF, demonstrated the extraction of rare earth alloys (REA) by high temperature electrolysis method at a large-laboratory scale during continuous operation. The industrial partner ELKEM is almost finalising the pilot REE4EU of integrated High Temperature Electrolysis (HTE) and Ion Liquid Extraction (ILE) within dedicated facilities for REA production from permanent magnets (PM).
Matching these latest developments from ELKEM, IDENER is improving and updating its conceptual modelling and Less Common Metals have reached the successful production of REA from PM in process waste (swarf) using HTE.
In addition to the technical aspects, the REE4EU project is continuously exploring the potential of circular economy implementation to drive new, profitable business with a European focus and carrying on many dissemination, communication and exploitation activities. PNO with the key partners of the REE4EU project carried out an extensive market study on economically viable RE recovery potential from EoL products complemented with interviews with relevant stakeholders to shed light on the feasibility and current bottlenecks preventing their future use in REE recovery ventures. The REE4EU’s Market Analysis Report is available on the project’s website.
Please visit our website for further information and give a better chance to succeed with our dissemination activities.
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