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Monday, December 2, 2019

PNO sponsors the World Open Innovation Conference 2019 on “Opening Up for Managing Business and Societal Challenges”

On December 12-13, 2019, join PNO and leading industry and academic experts at LUISS University in Rome for the 6th annual World Open Innovation Conference on “Opening Up for Managing Business and Societal Challenges”.

As leading Open Innovation consultancy, PNO sponsors the event and hosts an industry session on “Overcoming Bottlenecks that Block the Successful Use of Open Innovation within Organizations”. We will discuss both challenge and solutions for industry to engage in Open Innovation and collaborate with stakeholders from public, private and research sectors.

Every year, the WOIC brings together experts from the business community, facing real-world challenges, and connect them with the world’s leading academic scholars conducting research on Open Innovation. The aim of the conference is to bridge the gap between theory and practice to foster stronger connections between business practice and academia, accelerating innovation and providing focus for further research.

This year’s conference program includes an impressive line-up of keynote speakers, and relevant topics of interest. Along with PNO, other industries presenting challenges will be Salesforce, SAP, Siemens, Ericsson, & PNO. Find more information here.

If you are interested in joining us at WOIC, reach out to us and we will provide further registration details!

Looking forward to meeting you all in Rome!
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