Are you involved in the advanced biofuels for aviation and maritime sectors?
Take the GLAMOUR survey to let us know your opinion!
GLAMOUR - GLycerol to Aviation and Marine prOducts with sUstainable Recycling is a project funded under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme that will demonstrate the conversion of bio-waste feedstock such as glycerol into jetfuel and marine diesel oil by combining two technologies: 1) Syngas generation with inherent CO2 removal using gas solid reactions and 2) Compact Fischer-Trospsch process with 3D printed catalyst.
As part of the exploitation and dissemination activities, CiaoTech – PNO Group has carried out a stakeholder analysis to identify relevant stakeholders across the GLAMOUR value chain. This survey aims to analyse and understand more about the stakeholders activities, interests and opinion about the advanced biofuels for aviation and maritime sectors in general, and the GLAMOUR project in particular.
Are you involved in the advanced biofuels for aviation and maritime sectors? Then access and fill-in the survey at this link. It will take no longer than 15 minutes!