The AI-CUBE Project invites you to the AI-CUBE Laboratory, that will take place in the frame of the ACHEMA ’22 Conference in Frankfurt (Germany) on the 25th of August, 2022, to analyse the current state of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in the Process Industries and define their future
AI-CUBE (Artificial Intelligence and Big Data CSA for Process Industry Users, Business Development and Exploitation) is a project funded in 2020 under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, coordinated by CiaoTech - PNO Group. Through the Project, a deep understanding of the current state of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data applied in process industries has been established for all the ten SPIRE industrial sectors (Cement, Ceramics, Chemicals, Engineering, Non-ferrous metals, Minerals, Refining, Pulp & Paper, Steel and Water). The project results will culminate in 10 guidelines for researchers, managers, and operators, providing them with guidance on integrating Artificial Intelligence and Big Data to optimise their organisational processes.
In the frame of the Laboratory, the project will host two workshops:
- the VALIDATION WORKSHOP, to explore the current state of these technologies in the Process Industry. Experts are invited to challenge and validate the project’s findings thus far through interactive sessions, resulting in future-oriented guidelines that will help the future implementation of projects and increase the rate of AI use throughout the industry.
- the BUSINESS MODEL GAME, to unravel the ideas that could impact the Process Industry and make them thrive. Provided with an overview of the existing value chains, main business problems and opportunities, and the most common AI and BD technologies utilised to tackle them, players will explore the status quo and create new AI and Big Data-driven business models for the Process Industries.
Join us to disrupt the future of AI and data-driven technologies in the EU!
Lear more about AI-CUBE visiting the project website!