On 4-5th May 2022, the INNOMEM Consortium finally met in person at University of Duisburg-Essen, after 2 years of virtual meetings! The meeting, led by Tecnalia – the project coordinator - explored the results of each work package up to M24 and all the partners had the chance to describe the progresses made so far.
In the frame of all the results achieved, CiaoTech (PNO Group) has kick-started both WP4 (Open Call) and WP7 showcases business plans. The activities have been defined, on one hand, to prepare and manage the Open Call in WP4, defining their criteria and the selection process, and on the other hand to support the showcases in clearly explaining to the world their value and develop their business cases.
Discover more about INNOMEM visiting the project website!
In the frame of all the results achieved, CiaoTech (PNO Group) has kick-started both WP4 (Open Call) and WP7 showcases business plans. The activities have been defined, on one hand, to prepare and manage the Open Call in WP4, defining their criteria and the selection process, and on the other hand to support the showcases in clearly explaining to the world their value and develop their business cases.
Discover more about INNOMEM visiting the project website!