On the 15th June 2018 the First Business and Innovation Workshop within the UTILE project was held in Bulgaria and hosted by Europe Unlimited (EUN). The workshop focused on three main topics: IPR, access to finance and commercialisation and licencing. Mr. Arunas Berzinskas, IPR Ambassador from the Lithuanian Innovation Centre presented the various support services in the area of IPR in Europe. Ms. Lian van Amerongen from PNO, Nederland continued with sharing her vast experience on opportunities for public funding mainly through Horizon 2020 and the SME Instrument. The commercialization and licensing topic was presented by Ms. Anji Miller from LifeArc, UK.
The three sessions provoked many discussions and the participants were urged to exchange experience and share the challenges they face. All 13 participants, representing 9 FP7 projects and 4 start-ups from health and life science, rated the workshop as relevant to their expectations and declared their willingness to participate in future initiatives organized by the UTILE project.
Read the press release here.
For further information about UTILE, please visit the project website: https://www.health-breakthrough.eu/