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Tuesday, June 6, 2023

FARMŸNG at the CLIB Forum: Upgrading biogenic side streams – feed and food ingredients for a circular bioeconomy

news image FARMŸNG project will be presented at the online event “Upgrading biogenic side streams – feed and food ingredients for a circular bioeconomy”, organised by CLIB in collaboration with the Interreg Project Realise-Bio.

Providing food for humanity – either directly or via feed for livestock – is one of the key pillars of the bioeconomy. Making our food system carbon neutral, efficient, and effective means optimising the use of side- and residue streams. This will generate sources of income for primary producers, but also provide sustainable food, and, if managed sustainably, preserve biodiversity and soil health.

In the CLIB online Forum

“Upgrading biogenic side streams – feed and food ingredients for a circular bioeconomy”

they are taking a closer look on important question related to this sector.

How will market for food and feed change in future – and how will this influence the availability of side streams? Which high-value ingredients can be valorised from existing and prospective side streams?

Find out more about the project Realise-Bio:

The event will take place online on the 13th June 2023  – 14:00 – 17:00.

Please visit this website to register for free:

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