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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

European Research Fund for Coal and Steel: Two Big Tickets Calls Published

The European Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) has published two Big Tickets calls for the coal and steel sectors, with a submission deadline set for May 6, 2025. The research program aims to support research, development, and innovation projects that enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of the coal and steel industries in the EU. Specifically:

Big Tickets Call for the Coal Sector (RFCS-2025-JT: RFCS-2025-JT-Big Tickets for Coal » Innovation Place)

The objectives of this call include:

  • Repurposing of formerly operating coal and lignite mines and coal-related infrastructure;
  • Materials, waste reuse and development of alternative materials, including recovery of critical raw materials.
  • Land monitoring, modelling, stabilisation and/or restoration.
  • Processing of methane emissions.
  • Monitoring, management and/or treatment of mine water and water tables in coal mines in the process of closure and formerly operating mines.
Proposals must be submitted by consortia consisting of at least two independent entities from two different eligible countries.

Activities are expected to achieve technology readiness level 7-8 (TRL 7-8) by the end of the project.

The total budget is €35 million, with funding per project ranging from €5 to €9 million, and up to €18 million for large-scale demonstrators.

Big Tickets Call for the Steel Sector (RFCS-2025-CSP: Big Tickets for Steel » Innovation Place)

This call focuses on the following objectives:
  • Cross cutting issues: digitalisation, skills and social innovation in the steel sector.
  • CO2 neutral iron ore reduction (Increasing the use of pre-reduced iron carriers).
  • Technologies to improve energy efficiency, increase heat recovery and enhance process integration (PI) approaches in steel production.
  • Advanced steel alloys for special applications.
  • Circular economy and sector coupling solutions to meet the zero-waste goal for steelmaking.
  • Carbon capture of steel CO/CO2 gases
Proposals must be submitted by consortia consisting of at least two independent entities from two different eligible countries.

Activities are expected to achieve technology readiness level 7-8 (TRL 7-8) by the end of the project.

The total budget for this call is €100 million.

Deadline: 06/05/2025

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