CiaoTech/PNO Group is glad to invite you to visit its DataBio booth at the 5th Panhellenic Congress “Digitisation: the future of the EU agricultural sector” held by GAIA Εpicheirein in Heraklion, Crete (Greece). DataBio is an EU funded project aimed to foster the use of big data technologies in processes and services within the agriculture, forestry and fishery fields to ensure reliability and sustainability in the production of food, energy and biomaterials. Demonstration and validation of the developed practices and techniques are going to be shown through 26 pilot trials, currently underway in 17 different EU countries. They will provide “real world” insights relevant for policymakers and stakeholders in the agriculture, forestry and fishery domains engaged in Europe’s bioeconomy.
Our consultants will be at the Candia Maris Resort & Spa Crete, Heraklion, 25th October 2018, to present the DataBio project big picture and to show you how the project’s results and solutions can be deployed in your activities within the bioeconomy industry.
Join our stakeholder event at 19:00 for a networking happy hour!
For more information please visit the project and the event websites: https://www.databio.eu/en/events/
Or you can contact Dr. Anna Bozza (A.Bozza@ciaotech.com) or Dr. Roberto Russo (R.Russo@ciaotech.com).
Hope you will join us in Crete!