On 13th February, 2023, CiaoTech - PNO Group joined the event 'Valorization of biorefineries side-streams with a circular bioeconomy approach: the EXCornsEED project as a success case', held at the La Sapienza University of Rome.
CiaoTech presented the multi-criteria intelligence analysis performed to identify and position the most relevant stakeholders of interest within the defined BIOBESTicide, FARMYNG and Biomodel4Regions value chains.
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Contact us on infociaotech@ciaotech.com.
CiaoTech presented the multi-criteria intelligence analysis performed to identify and position the most relevant stakeholders of interest within the defined BIOBESTicide, FARMYNG and Biomodel4Regions value chains.
Want to know more about our services?
Contact us on infociaotech@ciaotech.com.