Last week, CiaoTech PNO joined the ‘Process4Planet Forum: projects and hubs innovating for climate and circularity’. The event aimed at bringing together stakeholders from the ongoing Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency (SPIRE) Public-Private Partnership projects and the Co-programmed Processes4Plaet Partnership projects funded through calls of Horizon Europe Work Programme 2021.
Processes4Planet is a unique cross-sectorial R&I partnership, gathering process industry companies and sector associations (cement, ceramics, chemicals, engineering, non-ferrous metals, minerals, pulp & paper, refining,steel, water), small and medium-sized enterprises, research and technology organisations, NGOs, regions, and others. It aims at developing and deploying the innovations we need for a profound transformation of the European process industries to make them circular and achieve overall climate neutrality at EU level by 2050, while enhancing their global competitiveness.
Through cross-sectorial technological and non-technological innovation efforts, Processes4Planet will achieve three general objectives:
- Developing and deploying climate-neutral solutions,
- Closing the energy and feedstock loops,
- Achieving a global leadership in climate-neutral and circular solutions, accelerating innovation and unlocking public and private investment (competitiveness).
Ron Weerdmeester from CiaoTech PNO, as coordinator of one of the two projects that were awarded, was invited to give a speech about the creation of a Community of Practice (CoP), for the so-called “Hubs4Circularity” (H4C), funded in the frame of the 2021 TWIN GREEN AND DIGITAL TRANSITION call.
The purpose of this workshop was to kick-off both awarded projects that will contribute to the creation of the CoP on H4Cs, targeting the efficient sharing of knowledge about setting-up and managing H4Cs in Europe, with the aim to promote large scale Demo’s on Industrial Urban Symbiosis (e.g circularity in regional, urban-industrial eco-systems).
For further information about our project contact us at infociaotech@ciaotech.com Ref: Hubs4Circularity