The 9th edition of the “R&D Controlling & Performance Management” conference took place last week, in Cologne (Germany).
It gathered around 80 large to medium corporates, from different industrial sectors (agri-food, chemicals, energy and engineering, food and beverage, logistics, pharma, pulp and paper), focused on improving decision-making with effective R&D performance techniques.
Our colleagues Ron Weerdmeester and Filomena La Porta, as invited speakers, gave their insights to the arena by introducing the PNO methodology on how to implement a focused, faster, and funded Innovation strategy thanks to the broad experience achieved within European collaborative projects, research, and expertise on boosting the competitiveness of large and medium enterprises in the past 40 years.
They outlined the following focal points on R&D&I:
- Develop effective, data-driven strategies to boost return on investment in R,D&I programs
- Position R&D & I programs to ensure the appropriate focus
- Implement a structured pathway towards a successful business model whilst optimizing internal processes
- Optimize RD&I costs through Open Innovation collaborations and funding
Want to improve your competitiveness and fully exploit Open Innovation?
Contact us at infociaotech@ciaotech.com, we are ready to support you in this journey!