BIOPEN Project, coordinated by CiaoTech/PNO Group, will organise a brokerage event within the 7th edition of IFIB - Italian Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy which will be held on 6 October in Rome.
BIOPEN BROKERAGE EVENT is a great opportunity to learn more about the bio-based sector Europewide and to find synergies and potential partnerships with Italian and European organisations.
The access to the Forum on 5th October and to the BIOPEN brokerage on 6th will be free of charge. The BIOPEN brokerage event will be held to the first floor of the “Palazzetto dei famigli” a few meters from the building where IFIB will be held (Centro Congressi Rospigliosi - Via XXIV Maggio, 43).
Click here to register for free to the BIOPEN Brokerage Event!
Draft agenda:
9.30 - 10.00 Registration
10.00 - 10.30 Presentation of the BIOPEN project, services and tools to support bio-based sector
10.30 - 11.30 Presentation of the next H2020 and EU calls interesting for bio-based organisations
11.30 - 12.00 Presentation of project ideas in the bio-based sector by Italian and European Organisations (3-5 min per idea). The projects to be presented will be selected based on the application form. Networking Session – to find potential partners for developing your own project ideas or join others
12.00 – 13.00 One2One meetings with other event participants
For more information, please contact md.tavano@ciaotech.com