AUTOSHIP is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, which aims at speeding-up the transition towards a next generation of autonomous ships in EU by building and operating 2 different autonomous vessels, demonstrating their operative capabilities in Short Sea Shipping and Inland Water Ways scenarios, with a focus on goods mobility.
From June 1st, 2019, many are the results achieved by the AUTOSHIP consortium towards a next generation of autonomous ships in Europe.
Under the lead of CiaoTech - PNO Group, the consortium is achieving important results towards this ambitiuos goal, now reported also in the AUTOSHIP project e-book! This e-book provides an overview of the AUTOSHIP project and its mission to accelerate the development and adoption of autonomous ships in the European Union. In addition, with the aim of discussing the advantages of autonomous shipping and the importance of making waterborne transportation more competitive, the e-book also examines current initiatives in the field and key players involved in deep sea, short sea, and inland waterways cases. Furthermore, it explores how AUTOSHIP is addressing the technological and safety challenges of autonomous shipping and presents a toolkit called the Decision Support System (DSS) for autonomous ship investments from a logistics perspective.
Read and download the e-book here and discover more about AUTOSHIP visiting the project website!
From June 1st, 2019, many are the results achieved by the AUTOSHIP consortium towards a next generation of autonomous ships in Europe.
Under the lead of CiaoTech - PNO Group, the consortium is achieving important results towards this ambitiuos goal, now reported also in the AUTOSHIP project e-book! This e-book provides an overview of the AUTOSHIP project and its mission to accelerate the development and adoption of autonomous ships in the European Union. In addition, with the aim of discussing the advantages of autonomous shipping and the importance of making waterborne transportation more competitive, the e-book also examines current initiatives in the field and key players involved in deep sea, short sea, and inland waterways cases. Furthermore, it explores how AUTOSHIP is addressing the technological and safety challenges of autonomous shipping and presents a toolkit called the Decision Support System (DSS) for autonomous ship investments from a logistics perspective.
Read and download the e-book here and discover more about AUTOSHIP visiting the project website!