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Monday, January 31, 2022

AUTOSHIP: a new article released by CiaoTech (PNO Group)

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CiaoTech (PNO Group) is proud to present the latest article published to present Autoship, the largest EU funded initiative for autonomous ships.

After its start, the project gained lots of interest among stakeholders, potential end-users and general public as well, and CiaoTech - the project coordinator - has released an interesting article to summarize the progresses made towards the realization of Pioneer and Zulu4, the two vessels that Autoship will make autonomous by 2023.

The publication has been made in the frame of the twelfth edition of The Project Repository Journal, the EDMA’s flagship open access publication dedicated to showcasing funded science and research throughout Europe.

Read and download the complete article!

Further information about Autoship are available on the project website.
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