A4BLUE 3rd newsletter is out!
The consortium is glad to inform you about the impressive progresses achieved in terms of technical developments (use case scenarios and prototypes) and strategy for further exploitation of the project results.
Partners are working hard to develop new adaptive workplaces that respond to workers’ profiles and to the changing manufacturing environment. Therefore, The A4BLUE innovations will allow safe human-machine interaction while ensuring efficient execution of tasks. Furthermore, workers will benefit from personalized assistance which will support them to perform manufacturing tasks and training activities through virtual/augmented reality and collaborative knowledge sharing platforms.
A4BLUE has been funded in the frame of Horizon 2020 TOPIC FOF-04-2016, and CiaoTech (PNO Group) is leading dissemination and exploitation actvities.
Download the newsletter here.
For further information about A4BLUE, please visit the project website.