UTILE project participated to the Annual Conference of ASTP Proton which took place in Budapest, from 31 May to 2 June 2017. ASTP Proton is partner of the UTILE consortium and is a nonprofit organization committed to knowledge transfer between universities and industry.
The ASTP Proton Annual Conference was a great opportunity to introduce the UTILE project to the technology transfer world. UTILE partners had the opportunity to present an overview of the project together with other EU-funded projects during the session “EU Projects – What Could They Mean for Your TTO?” .
Moreover, thanks to the exhibition space available, the partners had the opportunity to show the objectives of the projects, inform about the marketplace and the activities, answering questions and curiosities about the questionnaire which will be launched soon and about how researchers and innovation developers can join the project.
Have a look to this video to find out more about UTILE project!