We are glad to inform you that SusChem, the European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry, is organizing its annual “SusChem Brokerage event” on the 13th of September, 2016 in Seville (Spain). The SusChem brokerage event was traditionally organized in Brussels, but this year it will be held for the first time in Seville-Spain.
This is a unique opportunity for the industry, education, academia, SMEs and other actors to get ready to develop consortia and submit funding proposals targeting the Horizon 2020-2017 call topics with deadlines falling in the Q4 2016 and Q1 2017.
SusChem’s innovation managers and PNO EU funding experts will be on hand to help you developing innovative projects in line with the SusChem priorities related to strategic areas of Horizon 2020 such as Process Technology, Raw Materials, Energy sources, and Materials Technologies. You will have the opportunity to present your project idea in front of large chemical industries and the SusChem stakeholder community, meet Consortia looking for partners or meet other stakeholders during the speed dating session.
You are kindly invited to propose project ideas that you would like to bring forward within Horizon2020-2017 calls, for which you are searching partners.
If you would like to participate, please propose your preliminary project idea and what partners you need on the SusChem online tool GRANT-IT. If you do this in the coming weeks, this will make your idea available to the SusChem community and allow them to respond and/or arrange a speed dating session with you during the event. GRANT-IT also allows you to see other projects opportunities that have been already registered.
The draft agenda is available at the following link and click here to register for free to the event.
If you need more information about this event, or if you need to connect with an industrial partner for your project idea, please contact Nader Akil Nader.akil@pnoconsultants.com and Ron Weerdmeester Ron.Weerdmeester@pnoconsultants.com
We look forward to meeting you in Seville on the 13th of September 2016.