PNO supported the development of the new WssTP Water Vision 2030, which was presented to the EU Commissioner for Research, Science, and Innovation, Carlos Moedas last 22nd of June at the Water Innovation Conference 2016 in Bruxelles.
The WssTP Water Vision 2030 has been endorsed by the EIP Water and most other European water umbrella organisations, including EurEau, EWP, EWA, Euraqua, and NetwercH2O.
WssTP is the European Technology Platform for Water. It was initiated by the European Commission in 2004 as an industry lead stakeholder forum; 12 years after and over 150 members, WssTP has become the recognized voice and promotor of water-related RTD and innovation in Europe.
Together with Key WssTP stakeholders from industry, utilities, research organisations, water and public authorities, PNO has supported the development of the new Vision: “THE VALUE OF WATER: Multiple Waters, for multiple purposes and users”, as well the “Strategic and Innovation and Research Agenda (SIRA)”, with the aim of defining a clear set of concrete actions to achieve the WssTP Vision’s ambitious goals.
The Vision and the SIRA have been developed in the first half of 2016, to set the directions for tackling the key societal challenges related to water which is one of the key resources underpinning our lives and economies.
WssTP launched a public consultation on the SIRA: download the last version of the SIRA and contribute with your feedbacks through the online form (deadline 15 July).