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Friday, December 2, 2016

NANOMEMC2 Project just started

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The NANOMEMC2 project is a research and innovation action of Horizon 2020 funded under the topic LCE-24-2016 “International cooperation with South Korea on new generation high-efficiency capture processes” officially launched last October and coordinated by the Università of Bologna.

It aims at reducing the cost, energy and process limitations which currently make pre and post-combustion CO2 capture processes non-viable in many industrial applications. Through the development of innovative materials, membranes and membrane processes for CO2 capture, the project aims to make possible a substantial reduction in energy penalty, a much lower cost and a reduction of CO2 emissions. CiaoTech PNO, partner of the project, will be leading the workpackage 7 on Dissemination and Exploitation activities, which includes a stakeholders analysis and mapping, business and exploitation plan, dissemination strategy and activities of this three-year-long project.
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