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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Make Europe an 'Internet of things': Horizon 2020 focuses on a smart (digital) society

Make Europe an 'Internet of things'
Horizon 2020 focuses on a smart (digital) society

How nice would it be if all devices could communicate with each other in a smart way? Europe is giving a lot of attention to this in the coming years by focusing on 'Internet of Things'. Considerable subsidy is therefore available in 2016 and 2017.

Internet of Things can save lives

Suppose there's been an accident. Because the car involved has a smart system, the system automatically communicates the accident to the emergency services while indicating the accurate location of the accident. The ambulance can therefore drive directly to the correct location. Besides informing the emergency services, the same intelligent system informs other cars in the neighbourhood that they need to take an alternate route.
By having smart systems communicate with each other and integrating Internet communications, society is simplified and processes are accelerated. In the above example, the ambulance may arrive at the destination faster, the destination is probably more accurately transmitted, thereby possibly saving a life. Also, other motorists can quickly choose a different route, thus restricting traffic.

Five pilot subjects for Horizon 2020 IoT

In order to implement the internet of things more quickly into (European) society, the European Commission proposes making funding available for some pilot subjects in the next 2 years. The idea is to devise smart systems for these subjects which include involvement of the whole chain (both the supply and the demand side). In the case of the car accident, not only were the car and navigation system manufacturers involved, but also the emergency services. The pilot subjects which the EC is searching for, are as follows:
- Pilot 1: Smart living environments for aging well
- Pilot 2: Smart Farming and Food Security
- Pilot 3: Wearables for smart ecosystems
- Pilot 4: Reference zones in EU cities
- Pilot 5: Autonomous vehicles in a connected environment

Partnerships that fit within the framework of these pilots are often large and their project costs can vary between 15 and 30 million Euros. The Horizon 2020 grant given to these partnerships is then 100%. The first deadline for submitting projects is April 12, 2016.
If you want to contribute to Internet of Things, find partners or need help completing an application, contact us at

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