The 6 months project meeting of MULTI2HYCAT took place in Valencia (Spain) on the 22nd-23rd of June 2017, hosted by the Instituto de Tecnología Chímica (ITQ-CSIC).
The MULTI2HYCAT project, funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme, topic NMBP-01-2016 “Novel hybrid materials for heterogeneous catalysis” and coordinated by the University of Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”, aims at designing, obtaining proof of concept, upscaling and validating in a pre-pilot reactor of a new class of hierarchically-porous organic-inorganic hybrid materials to be used as active catalysts in multi-step asymmetric catalytic processes.
During the 6 months meeting, the 8 partners discussed the overall management and dissemination activities, with a focus on Open Access requirements. Besides, the technical achievements so far in WP2 “Preparation of organic-inorganic precursors”, Wp3 “Synthesis of multi-functional catalysts with hierarchical porosity” and WP4 “Characterisation of materials and computational studies” have been shared within the Consortium to plan together the next steps, especially focusing on the sets of catalysts and reactions that will be explored.
Moreover, the project website is on line! Have a look here!
Moreover, the project website is on line! Have a look here!