PNO publishes stakeholder analysis as coordinator of international consortium (NEW_InnoNet).
In the NEW_InnoNet consortium knowledge institutes, policymakers and business are united in order to realise Europe’s policy goals on near-zero waste and the circular economy. The report is an important step in the creation of a stakeholder platform on the topic of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), end-of-life vehicles (ELV) and plastic packaging.
The report contains an analysis of the input of more than 190 stakeholders in 23 countries, as well as an analysis of the composition of 226 European projects. The results show that stakeholders have a positive attitude towards near-zero waste concepts, but (technological) knowledge to induce change is lacking. The report concludes that more cooperation is essential in order to facilitate knowledge sharing, confirming the importance of platforms like NEW_InnoNet.
Following this research the stakeholder platform will be developed in a way that will optimally support stakeholders in their journey towards near-zero waste, for example by facilitating network events, providing information about project funding and translating common interests to European policy.
The full report can be found here. Do you want to register as a stakeholder for the platform or stay updated on future developments, events and publications of the project? Register on www.newinnonet.eu or contact project coordinator Tjerk Wardenaar at tjerk.wardenaar@pnoconsultants.com.